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Acid Reflux, Diet, Lifestyle

How Do You Treat Heartburn in Infants?

In infants, most acid reflux cases will resolve by 12 months of age and do not necessarily require treatment. Babies are more likely to have a weak LES because it hasn’t fully developed yet. This makes that muscle more relaxed when it should stay shut.

Diagnosis is difficult since they can’t properly articulate or express how they feel.

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Acid Reflux, Diet

Can Lowering Fat and Cholesterol Help With Your Heartburn?

There are fats that heal and fats that kill.

Although good fats (omega-3 fatty acids, olive oil, canola oil) in small quantities are essential for many of the body’s functions, consuming too much fat such as saturated fats and especially those from the bad kind (hydrogenated fats or refined oils) can cause chronic diseases (cancer, stroke, heart disease) and numerous digestive problems.

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