Acid Reflux, Diet, Lifestyle, Meals

Here’s How To Alleviate Your Acid Reflux During Pregnancy

Less than half of pregnant women may develop mild and intermittent acid reflux due to the intake of medications that weaken the LES, the increased pressure on the abdomen and because of the levels of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that form part of pregnancy and also weaken the LES.

Here are a few things that you can do right now, while pregnant, to decrease and even stop your acid reflux almost instantly.

1. When pregnant, Make sure you don’t eat too much at any given meal. Use small plates only. Eat slowly. Stop eating while you’re still not feeling full. Drink water before your meal not during it.

2. What you eat is obviously very important so stay away from all citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions and garlic. Also, stop eating meat and dairy products. Highly acidic and can interfere with proper digestion.

3. Smoking while pregnant? you’re not only risking your baby being born prematurely but you’re also relaxing the LES which allows stomach acid and content to rise up into the esophagus. Stop smoking now!

4. Stop drinking alcohol and that includes red or white wine and of course, beer and any other alcoholic beverage.

5. Snack on almonds when experiencing heartburn. Almonds are highly alkaline but they have to be raw not roasted or salted for them to be effective in alleviating and stopping acid reflux symptoms.

6. Try eating some ginger. Ginger is very effective against an upset stomach and can also help with heartburn. It basically prevents stomach acid from traveling back up into the esophagus.

Need guidance on how to control and manage your acid reflux? Check out my Heartburn No More program

Jeff Martin is an unconventional blogger and an unorthodox medical researcher. He has battled with acid reflux for years. He has also created the Heartburn No More program.  

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