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Acid Reflux, Diet, Lifestyle

What Is The Best and Worst Sleeping Position If You Have Acid Reflux?

Have you ever wondered what would be the optimal sleeping position when suffering from heartburn?Or which position you absolutely must avoid?

We all know that awful feeling of regurgitation, choking and constant coughing at night as we try to sleep to no avail. I remember I used to wake up to night with a taste of acid in my mouth. I almost threw up in bed.

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Acid Reflux, Diet, Lifestyle

How Do You Treat Heartburn in Infants?

In infants, most acid reflux cases will resolve by 12 months of age and do not necessarily require treatment. Babies are more likely to have a weak LES because it hasn’t fully developed yet. This makes that muscle more relaxed when it should stay shut.

Diagnosis is difficult since they can’t properly articulate or express how they feel.

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Acid Reflux, Exercise, Lifestyle

Your Emotions Can Make Your Body More Acidic ?

You already know that food, whether it is acid forming or alkaline forming, contributes to your internal environment and ultimately your internal balance.

The modern Western Diet is packed with Acid Forming foods such as sugar, meats, alcohol and sodas.

But what about how you feel, your emotions, and even your daily physical activity and workout, can they all have an effect on your heartburn condition?

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